Jewellery Workshop Terms and Conditions (education, studio workshops and Zoom classes)

Important Policies You Need To Know


​1. All classes are strictly hosted in English. Madame Mak does not offer translation services for in-person or Zoom online classes. 

2. Please provide your email address and phone number at the checkout when purchasing an in-person class or a Zoom class. 

​3. All studio-based course fees do not include the fees for manufacturing (this comprises the casting fee and the metal costs).These fees are charged separately to the student, in addition to the course fee. All casting/metal fees are payable to Madame Mak on request, in advance of your final metal finishing/polishing class. Your final amount will be emailed to you with the relevant banking details, or sent to you via SMS text message. The manufacturing fees are due in advance of the final session. International students are welcome to pay the exact amount in cash for the manufacturing fees, if they are unable to access banking/electronic transfers during their travels. 

4. All in-studio classes are paid for in advance of class through the relevant workshop listing on the website. Payment is due in full at the time of booking. The class payments can not be split across multiple payments in advance of the class, or after the class has been attended.

5. All Zoom online live 1:1 wax carving courses are paid for in full, in advance of class through the relevant class link on the website. Payment is required upfront in full at the checkout. Class payments can not be split/part-paid in advance of class or after class has been attended. Once a date and time have been agreed on by both parties, a Zoom link and password will be sent to your nominated email address (which you are required to supply at checkout during the purchasing process). Please check your email inbox (and junk box as well as other folders) for further details.

6. Madame Mak has the right to contact you via multiple methods (email, phone, instagram) to discuss or amend your bookings and finalise any payments. Madame Mak strictly adheres to the privacy policies as required and governed by local and international laws. Your personal information will not be shared with others or any third parties under any circumstance.

7. Benches and class dates can not be tentatively reserved for individuals. A class is only secured once the class has been paid for in full by the student. 

8. Classes are strictly not refundable after the classes have been physically attended.

9. All in-studio classes are booked through the relevant website class listing, and your spot is secured via payment in full. The classes vary in price, and the amount is specified in the website listing for each class. After selecting the date from the dropdown menu, students may proceed to the checkout and complete their payment through PayPal or Stripe/card facilities. 

10. When making a booking for a child under 18, please select "1:1, I'm under 18". Minors attending classes must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the full duration of the course/courses. Madame Mak has a valid Working With Children Check (exp: 2027), which the parent/guardian will be presented with on arrival to verify validity on the day prior to class commencement. The class for your child will strictly be run in a 1:1 format. 

11. All zoom live online classes are purchased through the relevant website listing and are payable in full at the time of checkout. Payment can be made through PayPal or Stripe. After payment is made, an instantly downloadable PDF will be sent to your email. This link is valid for 30 days and contains an itemised list of tools and major suppliers, locally and internationally in major cities. The tools listed are the tools specifically required to actively participate in the class. A booking can be made by emailing once students have sourced all necessary tools. Bookings can be changed as required (life happens!), and changing your booking date will not incur any additional charges! Please give a minimum of two week's notice to change your booking (except for unexpected emergencies - this will be assessed on an individual case-by-case circumstantial basis).

12. All "bespoke" or "specifically tailored" classes are for in-person classes only, and are either arranged and quoted privately, or purchased in time blocks (minimum 2 hour booking). Students who attend my studio to work on their design are required to book a 2 hour minimum class. Students are required to provide specific information on their skill level, and a detailed description of what they're hoping to achieve with images of their design/photos etc - prior to booking a private session. Madame Mak strictly only uses your information to assess suitability and to devise the best plan for creating and tailoring your bespoke class, where practical. Under no circumstance does Madame Mak replicate, reuse, sell or share your design briefs, notes or supplied information. All electronic files and design briefs are deleted once the class has been completed. Bespoke 1:1 wax carving tuition is not currently being offered via live 1:1 Zoom (it has proven difficult and challenging). Any in-studio classes may need to be divided across multiple sessions (for the wax carving). Please contact Madame Mak directly at to initiate the process. The bespoke/private tuition sessions are structured according to the students needs. Students are required to bring their own materials in (waxes, gemstones and any of their favourite tools), however a fully equipped jewellers bench is provided for the student to work on. Students are invoiced and payments are made in full in advance of class by direct bank transfer for local (Australian) students, or alternatively local students may purchase blocks of time (2 hour minimum) direct from the website listing. Any international students outside of Australia who will be visiting the studio in Melbourne for these bespoke classes will be linked to a custom website listing (payment is also required in full prior to attending class). This bespoke service is only available for in-studio classes (classes running at my physical studio in Melbourne 3105, VIC)! Bespoke training is not currently available via 1:1 Zoom. Please don't be offended if Madame Mak is unable to assist you - occasionally the lost wax method is not the best method for achieving your design and you will be advised truthfully! (your request also has to fall within Madame Mak's current skill set - she doesn't know how to do everything!).

13. Students acknowledge and accept that there may be a decent lapse of time between their initial payment and their actual date of class. Classes are strictly paid for in advance. For example, a Zoom class may be paid for in full before the student starts sourcing the tools, and the tools may take one month to arrive. If you are at all concerned about your funds being held by Madame Mak for long periods of time, please source your tools before booking your class - this way you can pay for the class much closer to your booking date. Madame Mak is unable to refund your payment due to any such delays between your payment and your tool arrivals or booking date. This is the general nature of business with service-based providers.

14. Madame Mak reserves the right to admit multiple students into one class where necessary, without your prior permission or consent. The zoom classes are 1:1 however on very rare occasions they may need to be condensed eg. if 3 students sign up to the same topic and all want to book within the same week! Students will not be refunded in part or in full in any such instance. In-studio classes are limited to 3 people at any time and Madame Mak reserves the right to admit multiple students to class without your prior consent, however if you have specifically paid for 1:1 bespoke tuition or a tailored class in my Melbourne studio you will be guaranteed a 1:1 experience. 

15. Each Zoom course and in-person course has been assigned an estimated duration which is well paced and relaxed for the required skill level involved for the particular course. Occasionally, things can go wrong with wax carving - especially through zoom classes with beginners, and with more involved techniques. Occasionally Zoom classes run slightly overtime due to unforeseen problems and troubleshooting. Teaching online remotely poses some challenges, and as such Zoom students are not currently being charged for running slightly overtime, and Madame Mak attempts to guide students through the process of rectifying their issue on the spot to the best of her knowledge. It is important to note that the classes serve as practice, and trial and error is to be expected. Please do not expect meticulous perfection from yourself - skill building takes time! Madame Mak is always happy to advise you after class and assess your wax work if you decide to reattempt carving the same design from scratch after class, based on what you've already learnt in the class/es.

16. In-studio students are required to purchase extra studio time (at 1:1 private tuition rates) on the spot during class if they have exceeded their allocated class duration. In this instance, Madame Mak will forward a link via SMS text message with the appropriate block of time/add-on once the allocated timeframe for class has lapsed. This 1:1 private tuition rate is charged at $100 per hour block, and is charged at a one hour minimum which is non-refundable in the event of early student departure. It is important to note that the classes serve as practice, and trial and error is to be expected. Please do not expect meticulous perfection from yourself - skill building takes time! Madame Mak is always happy to advise you after class and assess your wax work if you decide to reattempt carving the same design from scratch after class, based on what you've already learnt in the class/es.

17. Madame Mak hosts a maximum of three students per class within the Melbourne studio. Madame Mak reserves the right to admit multiple students into one class, without your prior consent. Any classes for juniors (under 18 years old) are strictly 1:1 and require a parent or guardian to be in attendance at all times. If you have specifically paid for a 1:1 bespoke class or 1:1 private tuition, your class allocation is exclusively yours as a 1:1 experience. 

18. Information/PDF notes/course information/tool lists are not provided for 1:1 bespoke wax carving tuition, as the nature of work performed by each student varies. Please bring a notepad and pen to your private tuition sessions to avoid disappointment. Students are welcome to take photos of tools used in class, as well as photos and videos of their wax carving progression. 


1. Rescheduling within two weeks of your in-studio or Zoom online class booking does not incur a rescheduling fee. Students are encouraged to reach out at their earliest convenience if they require a date change for their zoom class or their in-studio class. Madame Mak is flexible, however please note some days of the week are strictly unavailable due to fixed in-studio classes and other commitments. Madame Mak is equally responsible for contacting you if she needs to reschedule your class - usually reserved for emergency matters! Please reschedule your class booking within two weeks of your class start date (your first session). 

2. In the event a student requests an in-studio class cancellation within 4 weeks or less of the class start date, the student will forfeit 35% of their total payment (35% of the class total amount) as indicated for the specific class listing. The forfeiture amounts are as follows: $197.75 for the beginners workshop, $245 for the cast-not-set workshop, and $315 for the organic wax cabochon statement ring workshop. The student will be refunded any remaining amount that they have paid to date (excluding the 35% cancellation fee). The student has the right to transfer their booking/full payment to another class in the future for themselves, or they can transfer their class booking to somebody else instead. Students who have decided to transfer their booking to another person must immediately provide Madame Mak with the details of the new student. Madame Mak has the right to contact the assigned transferee to arrange further particulars, and the new assignee/student assumes full responsibility for completing their booking and maintaining their obligations under the policies, terms and conditions. The same cancellation policy applies to private 1:1 tuition workshops and the BYO metal finishing workshop, with students forfeiting 35% of their total booking amount. The same cancellation policy applies to any bespoke workshops that have been privately arranged, including interstate and international students (35% of the total workshop payment will be forfeited). This cancellation policy also applies to the "one week" wax carving workshops, and Mitsuro Hikime workshops, and any other workshops which may be listed at any time on the website. 

3. In the event of a student requesting a Zoom cancellation due to an unforeseen circumstance or emergency, the student has the right to be refunded if they won't be able to reschedule the class in the future (eg. hospitalisation, critical injury, severe illness). Students are encouraged to reschedule their class instead wherever possible, if they still hope to attend the class at some stage in the future. In the event of a student rescheduling their class, their full payment remains with Madame Mak and the class proceeds as usual on the newly agreed date irrespective of the time gap. This greatly reduces admin and handling!

4. In the event of a student no-show/disappearance for zoom online or for in-studio classes, students are not eligible for a partial or full refund. Students will not be refunded for any missed classes or any unexplained non-attendance. Madame Mak will endeavour to reschedule your class with you and make alternative arrangements. Madame Mak will make three attempts to contact you to reschedule your class. Students will not be refunded in the case of complete absence or failure to contact Madame Mak back by return email/SMS text message. Any bookings made which haven't been attended (or completed) within a 6-month period will not be refunded. 

5. In the event of a student no-show from interstate and international locations, students are not eligible for a partial or full refund. Students will not be refunded for any missed classes or any unexplained non-attendance, or if they haven't contacted Madame Mak to make alternative arrangements. If a student has missed their flight, or if their flight is delayed they are required to contact Madame Mak immediately to make alternative arrangements. Interstate and international students requesting to cancel their class within 4 weeks or less of their start date forfeit 35% of their total payment amount. In the event a student is unable to fly back to Melbourne/Australia to attend the classes in person, the classes will be hosted via live 1:1 Zoom instead where practical (and the classes which can not be easily hosted via Zoom will be refunded based on the original itemised quotation). 

6. If you have booked a Zoom or in-person class and Madame Mak has attempted to contact you three times without receiving a response or reply, you will not be eligible for a refund in part or in full for your relevant class booking. Any bookings made which haven't been attended (or completed) within a 6-month period will not be refunded. 

7. In the event of student illness, the student is required to reschedule the class. Students are not eligible for a refund in part or in full, in the event of suffering from a recoverable illness. Madame Mak encourages students to make a new booking at their earliest convenience after recovering from their illness. 

8. For local students within Melbourne/the state of Victoria: In the event Madame Mak cancels your class due to an unforeseen circumstance, emergency or illness, you will have the right to request a full refund for your class. Alternatively you will be invited to reschedule your class for a newly agreed date and time, at the earliest convenience. This policy also applies to the Zoom online classes.

9. In the event Madame Mak cancels class for an interstate or an international student, the student will be entitled to a full refund for the class. However, Madame Mak Jewellery is not financially or legally liable or responsible for reimbursing students for any costs that may have been associated with their travels to Australia/Melbourne or getting to the studio (including but not limited to flights, accommodation, transport, food). Madame Mak is also not responsible for covering any costs associated with students rebooking a new class date (including but not limited to flights, accommodation, transport, food) to attend any new class dates which may have been agreed upon between both parties. 

10. Students are not entitled to partial refunds if they depart class early, or if class naturally finishes earlier than the "estimated" duration. Students are welcome to stay and tinker around until the class duration has lapsed! Students will not be refunded if they miss a class without having made prior arrangements with Madame Mak, and are not eligible for a refund if they don't attend the remainder of their classes. This applies to Zoom classes and in-person classes.

11. Students are not entitled to a partial refund if they have purchased an extra block of time for in-person classes running overtime eg. if a 1 hour block of overtime is purchased and the student departs 30 minute early, they will not be eligible for a partial refund for departing early. 

12. Zoom students are not eligible for a refund if they discover they haven't got the appropriate tools during the class to continue or complete their work in the class. In most cases, some tools can be substituted if the student already has an elaborate setup, however students will not be refunded in any such instances. Shall this occur, Madame Mak will continue the demonstration on her end live, while you watch and ask questions or chat! A rebooking fee will be payable to Madame Mak if the student wishes to source the necessary tools to complete their carving online with Madame Mak at another time - this is charged at the discretion of Madame Mak depending on how much time it requires to complete your ring, or depending on which step of the process the student is up to for their particular class. Any new payments required will be payable via a custom class listing, which will be arranged on the website for the student to purchase. 

13. Zoom students are not entitled to a refund in the event of a poor internet connection from either end. In this instance, class will be rescheduled and picked up from where it was paused. 

14. Zoom students are not entitled to a refund in the event of a power outage at MMJ HQ or at their studio. In this instance, class will be rescheduled and picked up from where it was paused. 

15. In-studio students are not entitled to a refund in the event of a power outage during class (eg. severe storms or natural disasters). In the event of power outage, the class will be rescheduled for another day if the power does not return within 30 minutes of the outage time. If there is natural daylight and power tools aren't required for the class to proceed, students will be allowed to stay to complete their class if it is deemed safe to do so. Remaining on premises without power may involve relocating the necessary tools and equipment to a brighter area of the home in order for the class to be completed (it mightn't be on the jeweller's benches though!). 


1. All zoom classes entail wax work only and do not involve any raw casting demonstrations, clean-up, metalwork or stone setting. Please read the class listings and descriptions carefully and reach out with any questions before making your booking. It is the responsibility of the student to find an appropriate casting facility, and ensure they offer the service required eg. some casting facilities do not cast items with cast-not-set gemstones. A refund can not be issued for class if you are unaware of these details post-class. 

2. All wax creations for in-studio classes are outsourced to a third party for professional casting. Your creations will be hand delivered to the casting facility by Madame Mak. They will also be paid for and collected by Madame Mak before your return to the studio (see number 3 below for information regarding casting and metal fees).

3. Madame Mak is responsible for clearing the casting fees and materials directly with the manufacturer in the first instance, for your work. Students are then required to reimburse Madame Mak for the absolute cost price of their materials (the materials and casting fees are not included in the course fees). Madame Mak will present the invoice to students for the cost price of their materials and casting fees, which is payable once the castings return to the studio (before the final class commences). Madame Mak does not profit off your manufacturing charges or materials - you will be charged the manufacturing price! Payment is to be made through direct bank transfer on request, before the final class commences.

4. For in-studio classes where students produce physical work, students are not entitled to a refund for their metals and materials used to manufacture and construct their ring. It is important to understand that things can go wrong with the casting process (it's usually quite rare!). In the event of a complete loss of your jewellery at manufacturing (eg. a casting blowout or explosion), students will have the option of attending a new class to repeat their wax carving and finish their ring. In this instance, students will not be charged for repeating the course, however they will be responsible for any material and casting fees incurred for having their new creation/s cast! Any damages to gemstones during the cast-not-set process or the stone setting process cannot be claimed as damages, or refunded. Students can not be refunded for damages to gemstones, and will not be able to attend a new class to repeat their design if their gemstone has cracked during setting or the cast-not-set procedure. Students may use their own gemstones at their own risk if the gemstones are deemed suitable and pre-approved by Madame Mak in advance of class. 

5. In the event student work has been cast and paid for by Madame Mak and the student makes a complete disappearance without contact, Madame Mak has the right to destroy your items to reclaim her out-of-pocket costs. Unpaid items (castings) will be held on site for 30 days after the last class, and sent to casting to be scrapped if the student has not made contact or payment.


1. All zoom students are required to source their own tools for their online classes. Tools are not provided or included in the workshop price. Please be aware of the associated setup costs for a wax carving setup prior to booking your zoom class. Madame Mak is happy to discuss tool options with you during your sourcing journey! Each class may require different or additional tools - please check the relevant tool list under each class listing to ensure you'll have the correct tools at hand for your class!

2. All in-studio classes are conducted on fully equipped jewellers benches. Students will have access to a variety of hand tools and power tools to carve and finish their jewellery however, all tools and consumables remain the property of Madame Mak and are not to be removed from the studio. The course fee does not include the provision of any take-home tools, and Madame Mak does not sell tools from her shop.

3. Madame Mak does not offer tools for sale, however students will have access to a variety of student discounts with participating Australian suppliers. There's more information on that below! 


1. Several local suppliers have kindly offered a discount on tools and equipment for all of my workshop students. You will be provided with this information at class, and my suppliers will require your proof of enrolment in my workshop. Proof is verified through uploading your payment confirmation/receipt to their website portals, and you are bound by their relevant Terms and Conditions - available directly on their websites. Madame Mak will also provide you with a letter of attendance to support your applications after the final class has been completed. This does not encompass any students who sign up for 1:1 tuition, as this program assumes you already are experienced and have a wax carving setup with tools. 

2. Each supplier has very specific terms, time frames and periods for discount access. Madame Mak kindly asks that you participate with honesty and integrity at all times with any associated third party, and respect their terms and conditions.


1. Madame Mak teaches through the experiences and lessons she has gained whilst being at her bench. Courses and workshops provided through zoom or in-studio are not formally recognised or accredited by any relevant jewellery associations or training organisations.

2. Madame Mak teaches to the best of her ability and only teaches what she is absolutely confident, capable and comfortable with. Truth love and honesty over here! Madame Mak will refer you to a more suitable jeweller or training organisation in the event your learning request does not fall within her skills and capability.

3. The knowledge Madame Mak shares with you will position you accordingly to achieve the best outcome for your work.

4. Madame Mak will not be responsible or liable for the outcome of your wax work or castings. All information provided in all classes (zoom and in-studio) is based on Madame Mak's best advice, and it is advice only. Students are encouraged to find a method that works best for them - everybody does things differently! Alternatively, students may enrol in an industry-recognised course to attain formal training and qualification. Madame Mak is backed by three intense years at her bench (a total of 5 years including silversmithing), and is very well placed to teach her current courses through her trials and tribulations!


1. Students are fully responsible for assessing the safety of their workspace and surroundings, and are fully responsible for taking adequate measures to protect their eyes, face, body and hair from any potential hazards at the bench during class. Students must have access to adequate safety equipment, and must wear safety glasses when operating power tools in class, as well as having long hair tied back in class when operating power tools.

2. Madame Mak will not be legally responsible or liable for any personal injuries that a student acquires during Madame Mak's provision of their Zoom online class. By signing up to a Zoom class, students are fully responsible for their own safety and health at their bench during classes.

3. All students are required to wear safety glasses and have long hair tied back during their Zoom classes when the use of a micromotor or other power tools is involved, or whenever else the student deems appropriate. Students who refuse or fail to wear the provided safety equipment (including filtration masks when necessary) will be removed from class.

4. Any safety equipment that has been accidentally removed from the studio must be returned in-person or via post to MMJ HQ at the expense of the student (eg. safety glasses). 


1. All written and distributed learning material and instructions are copyrighted and belong to Madame Mak. Students and clients must not copy, circulate or distribute any learning materials which includes but isn't limited to e-books, PDF documents, images contained within or any body of text or written instructions and protocols to other parties.


1. There are several policies that students (and Madame Mak) must comply with when attending and working in the jewellery studio. The three important policies will be emailed to you in the form of PDF documents in advance of your class. It is important to read these documents and reach out with any questions you may have (Occupational Health and Safety, Medical and Emergency Services, Videography and Photography).

2. Students must advise Madame Mak of any allergies, intolerances, sensitivities or dietary restrictions or requests in advance of their in-studio class.

3. Your attendance at the studio implies that you have read the policies, and that you agree and abide to the studio policies contained therein. 


1. Madame Mak is committed to supporting you during and after your classes! You are welcome to contact Madame Mak shall you have any technical questions about the class, or if you require your work to be checked over when you're out on your own!

2. Students will be provided with comprehensive tool lists and guidelines, in the form of PDF documents. These documents are sent to the students email address after the final class, in order for them to have the best chance of continuing on their own! Madame Mak is happy to answer any questions regarding class material or tools or consumables - reach out any time! Please note that information/PDF guides are not provided for 1:1 private tuition, as the nature of each class and each student varies. If you have booked 1:1 private tuition, please bring a notepad and pen to avoid disappointment. Students are also welcome to take lots of photos and videos of the tools and their progress, to assist them later on after class. 


1. Madame Mak kindly asks that you do not attend the jewellery studio in Melbourne if you are unwell with a contagious communicable illness. Please reschedule your class once you are fully recovered. You will not be charged a rescheduling fee for rescheduling your class. Students are not entitled to a class refund in the event of recoverable illness. 


1. Madame Mak strives to meet your learning needs and takes pride in sharing her knowledge and love for the craft. If you are at all dissatisfied with your class/es, please kindly reach out to discuss your concerns with Madame Mak.

2. Madame Mak welcomes your reviews. By sending in a review through email or text/Instagram DM, you acknowledge that Madame Mak may post your review online. Madame Mak will not post your name or your instagram handle if you wish to remain private!

The Madame Mak "Springternship" (Melbourne, Australia - September 2024)

Note: This policy is specific to the September "Springternship". Please disregard other policies on this page unless specified otherwise in this section.

1. This "Springternship" workshop must be paid for in full ($6,565 AUD) via any one of the payment methods available at the checkout, in advance of workshop commencement. Class payments may not be split or placed on lay-by in advance or throughout the program. Tentative reservations can not be placed for the Springternship. The booking is yours, only once it has been paid for. Enrolment closes on Friday 9th August 2024, at 5pm.

2. The workshop is hosted in English. Madame Mak does not offer translation services during classes. All learning materials distributed during and after class are also written in English, and are not to be distributed without consent. Madame Mak is not responsible for translating documents or communications in any format, and third party individuals are not permitted on site.

3. Students who purchase the September "Springternship" must enter all personal details (full name, phone number, address and email address) at the checkout. This is extremely important as Madame Mak will need to contact you regarding your booking, and to transfer your learning materials and information on completion of the course. Madame Mak has the right to contact you via any means once you have provided your personal details as part of your booking/payment (email, phone, SMS text message). 

4. The workshop is strictly hosted on the specified dates and times within the listing. Please expand the information boxes to ensure you are fully informed before placing your booking. Madame Mak will be running a tight ship with this course (particularly if there are two applicants), however Madame Mak understands that life happens and emergencies pop up. Flexibility with the schedule/dates/times will be offered under certain special circumstances such as; if the student has a family emergency or becomes ill with a communicable illness or serious illness (see item 11 regarding communicable illness, and item 12 regarding serious illness or hospitalisation). 

5. The workshop will be held at the same venue for the full duration of the course (Location: Bulleen, VIC 3105). It is a quiet suburban residential area, with all day unlimited on-street parking. The package does not include accommodation or on-site stays. For interstate and international students, a stay in the Melbourne CBD with a 35 minute bus trip each way on the 905 bus route will get you to and from the studio (it's a short 250 metre walk from the bus stop to the studio). 

6. The course investment ($6,565) includes the fees for silver materials and the associated casting fees for all 5 items made in the first week of the workshop only. Madame Mak is responsible for transporting your waxes and castings from week 1 to/from the manufacturing facility however, any additional items a student chooses to have cast must be arranged and paid for by the student separately and independently of this workshop - including the arranging of their own delivery/transportation of waxes and castings. Any extra items students have chosen to cast can not be finished or included as part of this course. Students will be provided with the details of a local metal casting company, so that they can set up their own account during/after the course (it's an easy breezy relaxed process, and the facility is a 20 minute drive from the studio). Students are welcome to purchase additional time to return to the studio if they wish to finish any additional rings or use the studio space at MMJ HQ from October/November 2024 onwards. Shall students wish to have any of their creations from week 1 cast in solid gold, they are required to pay additional fees and costs for the materials (which is charged at absolute cost price). 

7. Information/PDF notes/course information/tool lists are not provided for the second week of the "Springternship" program, as the unpredictability and nature of work performed by each student varies. Please bring a notepad and pen to your sessions in the second week of the program (or the whole program) to avoid disappointment. Students are welcome to take photos and videos of tools used in class, as well as photos and videos of their process to refer to in the future. Please refer to the "course details" and 'course structure' in the listing for the specifics! 

8. In the rare event of a casting malfunction, damage to castings, loss of castings or complete blowout, students will not be entitled to a refund of their first wax week, or their 3rd metal finishing/setting week (or the second "freestyle" week, which is wax work only and won't be cast into metal in this program). Students will not be able to re-attend/resit the first week of classes however, in this extremely rare event Madame Mak will provide each student with 3 - 4 hand carved castings of her choice (suited to the original agenda) which will be cast in silver at no additional cost to the student. The class agenda will be able to proceed as usual, however students acknowledge that this may delay attendance of the final week until a later date (October) once the castings have been prepared and are ready to be polished/finished. Madame Mak is not liable for providing any compensation to students due to them having lost time, having taken time off work/employment/their business, or to any interstate or international students who may have travelled to the studio for this course. Students won't walk away with their own designs if this extreme malfunction occurs, however this does not disrupt the course teachings or learning capacity in any way. The same methods will be taught in the final week, but the students will be working on finishing Madame Mak's rings instead of their own. Any rings/pendants Madame Mak carves to provide as substitute learning materials can not be negotiated or designed as a bespoke in advance with the student. The new castings provided to students will be hand carved basic models, carved by Madame Mak at no cost to the student. The designs and sizes of rings and pendants will be made at random. The finished items can be taken home by the student after course completion for personal use. 

9. In the event of the above scenario (item 8, above) occurring to an interstate or international student, an extension of stay may be required if they wish to attend the rescheduled finishing classes (with Madame Mak's provision of new materials). Madame Mak is not financially liable or responsible for paying for or organising an extension of accommodation, travel expenses, cancellation/rebooking of flights and any associated travel expenses associated with their stay or extension of stay. In the event a student must depart on time in line with the original schedule/dates, Madame Mak will post the raw castings to the student in the mail to a valid street address and will host the finishing/setting classes for the student via live 1:1 Zoom once the student has received them in the mail. The student herein authorises the provision of their personal details to a third party, for successful delivery of their package. In the event the package with raw castings goes missing, the students have the option of bringing their own raw castings to their Zoom classes (at their own expense), and they will be guided live 1:1 by Madame Mak to process/finish their castings. In the instance where Zoom classes are required, the student will not be charged for the Zoom classes as they are a substitute in place of the in-person classes which would have been conducted during the 3rd week as anticipated. The duration of the Zoom classes will be in line with the duration specified on the original agenda, or less. Students will not be eligible for a partial refund if their Zoom classes are completed early, and students must ensure they have the appropriate finishing/polishing tools to do this (Madame Mak will send the tools list immediately). Any tools the student requires must be sourced and paid for by the student in their local region, and no compensation or reimbursement may be sought from Madame Mak for any such expenses. Students are responsible for their own safety during the Zoom classes, and Madame Mak will not be liable for any injuries, mishaps or accidents occurring to the student during the course of the Zoom class/es.  

10. Classes strictly can not be refunded once they have been attended (in-person or via Zoom substitution in special circumstances), irrespective of the outcome. See clause 8 and 9 (above) regarding the Terms and Conditions pertaining to casting blowouts and damages to student work. 

11. In the event of a local (Melbourne-based) student suffering a communicable (infectious) illness, students are required to reschedule and resume their classes once they have recovered. Students are not entitled to a refund in the event that they have suffered from a communicable illness. The student acknowledges that new times will need to be arranged at a time which suits both parties - and that there may be a lapse of time (days, weeks or months) inbetween classes if they can not be run consecutively due to other commitments on Madame Mak's or the student's behalf. In the event a student from an interstate or international location falls ill and needs to head home due to their illness or not being able to extend their stay, Madame Mak will issue a partial refund at her discretion or make alternative arrangements with the student - which may include hosting some of the classes (where practical) via live 1:1 Zoom once they have arrived home. 

12. In the event of a local (Melbourne-based) student suffering from a serious illness or hospitalisation either before (after booking) or during the course, the student will be entitled to a partial refund of any classes which have not yet been attended at the discretion of Madame Mak. Students will strictly not be entitled to a refund of any classes already attended. Under this special circumstance, students must present a Medical Certificate/hospital documentation to Madame Mak Jewellery to substantiate their claim. If a student falls seriously ill in between the period of placing their booking and before the first day of class commencement, they are entitled to a full refund on the provision of proof and prognosis from their doctor and hospital. In the event an interstate or international student suffers from a serious illness or hospitalisation in between the period of placing their booking and the first day of class (or during the workshop) they are entitled to a full refund on provision of proof and prognosis from a doctor/hospital - or a partial refund for any classes which haven't yet been attended if they need to exit the course. 

13. In the event a student requests a cancellation of the "Springternship" from the date of Thursday 8th August 2024 onwards, the student will forfeit 35% of their total payment (35% of $6,565 AUD which equates to $2,297.75 AUD), and will be refunded the difference ($4,267.25) which will be issued to the original payment method used at the checkout. The student has the option to transfer their full booking/full payment ($6,565) to another tailored program in the future. This same cancellation policy applies to any international and interstate students (35% of the total workshop payment will be forfeited if the student cancels their booking from the date of Thursday 8th August 2024 onwards, which equates to $2,297.75 AUD).

14. Currently, there is no rebooking/rescheduling fee in the event a student can't attend any of the days during their program and needs to reschedule. Please advise Madame Mak ASAP if you can not attend due to illness/emergency/other circumstances. Your class will resume in accordance with the program after your recovery however, the student acknowledges that there may be a second student enrolled in the same program who is steps ahead or at different stages of the program. 

15. Students who are a no-show, disappear entirely or fail to make contact with Madame Mak (after three attempts of contact by Madame Mak), are not entitled to a refund in part or in full for any duration of their course - whether the modules of the course have been attended or not. In this instance, the student forfeits their entire class payment ($6,565).  If an interstate or international student has missed their flight, or if their flight is delayed they are required to contact Madame Mak immediately to make alternative arrangements. 

16. Classes strictly can not be refunded in the event of a casting blowout, damages to student work at casting, mishaps, broken stones (cast-not-set, and physical stone setting in metal). This is the unpredictable nature of the work unfortunately (and it happens to the best jewellers, too)! See item 8 (above) for further information regarding the "Contingency Plan"! 

17. Madame Mak is not responsible for the outcome of your wax work/castings. This is a course designed to teach you skill progression. This takes years to refine, in reality. Please be patient and accept that the process can be frustrating or not lead to ideal outcomes at times. It is all part of the process. 

18. In the event of Madame Mak suffering a communicable (infectious) illness, classes will be rescheduled and resumed for local (Melbourne-based) students once she has recovered. Local (Melbourne-based) students are not entitled to a refund in the event that Madame Mak cancels a class due to a communicable illness. Students arriving from interstate or international locations will be eligible for a partial refund, for any part of the course which has not yet been attended (this also forfeits the dissemination of all learning materials for any classes or modules which have not been attended). Local students acknowledge that new times will need to be arranged at a time which suits both parties - and that there may be a lapse of time between classes if they can not be run consecutively due to other commitments on Madame Mak's or the student's behalf. Compensation will not be provided to any student in any form for their loss of time, time/annual leave from work or employment, rescheduling/cancellation/rebooking of travel fees/accommodation/transportation or any associated travel expenses associated with interstate and international students arriving to the studio for this "Springternship" program. 

19. In the event of Madame Mak suffering from a serious illness or hospitalisation before or during the course, the student will be entitled to a partial refund of any classes which have not yet been attended at the discretion of Madame Mak - or a full refund if the course has not yet commenced. Students will not be entitled to claim for compensation due to loss of their time, time/annual leave from work or employment, rescheduling/cancellation/rebooking of travel fees/accommodation/transportation or any associated travel expenses associated with interstate and international students arriving to the studio for this "Springternship" program. Students will be refunded in part or in full, to their original payment method used at the checkout. 

20. Any student who is partially refunded under special circumstances for any part of this course, also forfeits the right to acquire any learning/instructional information pertinent to any of the modules which haven't and aren't going to be attended by the student. Students will only receive learning materials for the modules of the course which they have physically attended and completed in the studio. Relevant learning materials are disseminated via email after the completion of the course. 

21. Madame Mak will be providing light snacks, tea, coffee, water and refreshments daily throughout the duration of the course. Lunch is not included in this package. Please bring your own lunch daily. Please inform Madame Mak ASAP if you have any allergies or restrictions. Amenities are onsite for your comfort!

22. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they have read the studio policies prior to attending the workshop/s. This information is readily available (instantly downloadable PDF) in your emails once your workshop has been purchased from the online store. Please check your junk folder, and other folders for this email. By booking for and by attending this course, you endorse that you have read and accept the terms and conditions of the policies enclosed. 

23. Students have the option (on the last day of week 2) of experimenting with Japanese "Mitsuro Hikime" wax. It is a sticky wax comprised of a mixture of beeswax, pine resin and paraffin. If you are sensitive or allergic to any of these ingredients, you may continue with carving the regular hard jewellers wax on this day instead. 

24. It is important for students to be aware that there are multiple ways and different methods used to create and manufacture jewellery. Although inspiration photos are encouraged, the items you are viewing may not have necessarily been constructed with wax, and sometimes wax/wax tooling may not be the best method or approach for creating a certain item of interest. Please don't be disappointed if Madame Mak advises you that wax isn't the best method or approach to execute one of your ideas in class/es. 

25. In-studio students are not entitled to a refund in the event of an abrupt/unplanned power outage during class (eg. severe storms or natural disasters), or in the event of a planned power outage which may coincide with any given class date/s. In the event of sudden power outage, the class will be rescheduled for another day if the power does not return within 30 minutes of the outage time. If there is natural daylight and power tools aren't required for a particular class to proceed, students will be allowed to stay to complete their class if it is deemed safe to do so. Remaining on premises without power may involve relocating the necessary tools and equipment to a brighter area of the home in order for the class to be completed (it mightn't be on the jeweller's benches though!). Students will be given warning in advance about any planned power outages scheduled in the area, and any affected class/es will be rescheduled (they will not be refunded). 

26. You will receive one complimentary "Madame Mak" solid 9ct gold forest fairy pendant of your choice (valued between $695 - $965). There are 7 of my pendant designs to choose from (see photo in the course listing), and you'll be invited to select your preferred design (yellow gold or rose gold) in the first week. Madame Mak will finish your pendant during your final week in the studio. You will receive your solid 9ct gold pendant on the last day of your course (chain not included). Only the students who have completed the full course are eligible for this gift.

27. By purchasing this class, you confirm you have read and fully understood the Terms and Conditions of the "Springternship", and endorse that you have thoroughly read the course description and particulars within the product listing. By purchasing this class, you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of this workshop, as well as the Studio Policies (Safety/OHS, Medical and Emergency Policy, and Photography/Videography Policy) which are forwarded via email immediately upon class purchase (instantly downloadable PDF). Students are required to present any matters of uncertainty or misunderstanding to Madame Mak for clarification at their earliest convenience. If you would like to obtain a copy of the Studio Policies prior to making an investment, please email Dahna at